Past exhibitions & events
May 2024
Pauline Reyre à tout prix
Elena Bollette, Arthur Deligne, Isabelle Jonniaux and Bas van den Hout explore, through their distinct practices, the links between encounters, narrative and everyday objects.
June 2023
Mon histoire de nappe - Pauline Reyre
Performative and participative dinner around the "Des histoires de nappes" project by visual artist Pauline Reyre.
An evening during which the artist received guests to serve her favorite meal on a 7-meter-long tablecloth sewn for the occasion.
June 2022
LOCI - A group show about the human mystery and the perception of this world
'The locus of the human mystery is perception of this world. From it proceeds every thought, every art'
What is the traduction of LOCI? - /ˈloʊ.saɪ/ plural of locus from Latin. Places and locations. A place for everything and everything in its place.
What is the meaning of LOCI? - A particular position or place where something occurs or is situated.