Loup Lejeune

Loup Lejeune

Loup Lejeune

Screen printing, underwater photography, installation, molding, composite materials

My artistic practice questions the power relations that exist today between nature and culture. It is a quest for awareness and understanding of the present through ancient elements. Elements intertwining myths from the depths of time, the history of fire and ice, blood and sap. A heritage that I celebrate and wish to pay tribute to. Crude oil, horseshoe crab blood, fossilized bones, archaic ferns and lava stones are all materials that I perceive as charged with a deep temporality.

Born in Paris (France) in 1992, Loup studied design at Ecole Boulle, then moved to Brussels and mastered in 2018 from ENSAV La Cambre in ‘Image imprimée’, did an erasmus year in Fine Arts at Central Sint Martin’s in London (UK) the same year. The collect of raw materials and images, the engagement in the field and then the productive phase in the studio are determining factors in the development of his work. The collect of prints successively takes the form of casts, photos, videos and silk-screen prints.

The mineral and organic bodies thus archived will then be reduced into pigments for the production of the significant inks that he uses in his prints. The mechanical process of screen printing is combined with the vitality of these mineral and organic bodies, the natural particles merge with the standardized screen. The protocol technique is here tested by morphogenesis. This one brings an irregularity and a singularity to the serial production.

The properties of materials are therefore a major inspiration in his creative process. The observation and the manipulation of these transitory states of the matter - cast iron, oxidation, porosity, etc... - generate at the same time subjects, but also modes of action. He does not impose an image from his brain on the materials, but it is the exploration of these materials that leads it, layer after layer, to production. Experimentation transforms his intuitions into acts. Loup works and lives in Brussels, Belgium.


Podcast “L’objet de mon intention”

- Loup, quel est l’objet que tu sauverais d’un incendie à ton atelier?

Shantee Zaman